
Discussion of bill to prohibit nonfunctional turf at government buildings

With the state in a water crisis, Rep Cates has proposed legislation that would eliminate nonfunctional turf around government installations, replacing lawns with drought resistant landscaping. Her legislation will help preserve New Mexico’s supply of drinkable water. See KRQE coverage here.

Representative Cates’s ticket-scalping bill progresses through committees

Source NM reports on the progress of Representative Cates’s bill expanding the state’s ticket-scalping law beyond college sports, to include arts and nonprofit organizations. “Co-sponsor Rep. Kathleen Cates (D-Rio Rancho) presented House Bill 26 to the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday. Committee members voted 4-2 along party lines to pass the bill…

Representative Cates interviewed by Sandoval Signpost

“State Rep. Kathleen Cates is focused on water, public safety and healthcare in Sandoval County” Jesse Jones interviews Rep. Kathleen Cates: “State Rep. Kathleen Cates, a Rio Rancho Democrat, is fresh off her reelection for District 44 and just began her second term. She said she is ready to address some of Sandoval County’s most…

Albuquerque Journal features Representative Cates on Healthcare

The Journal covered a meeting of 3 representatives, including Kathleen Cates, on their plans to introduce bills improving New Mexico’s healthcare, in part by recruiting and retaining health care professionals. From the Journal: Rep. Kathleen Cates of Corrales plans to introduce a bill that would provide housing subsidies for licensed medical providers earning 150% of…

Two Bills highlighted in Albuquerque Journal

Two bills sponsored by Representative Cates are highlighted in the Business section of the 13 Jan 25 Albuquerque Journal: on Ticket Scalping and on Healthcare appropriations. From the Journal: Economy New Mexico could join about half a dozen other states that have laws aiming to prevent ticket scalping. Ticket scalping is selling, offering for sale…