Issues facing New Mexicans
Get better acquainted with Kathleen and learn about her stand on the issues. Listen to her KD Radio Interview: Part One (7.45 minutes) ◾ Part Two (9.21 minutes)

Water is the true gold of New Mexico
We must protect our water. Water is the true gold of New Mexico and is essential for our personal health and the health of our economy. Innovative approaches to keeping our water clean, accessible, and protected from water thieves is the first priority to any progress.
Human Rights
I strongly believe in Human Rights and that supporting human rights for all benefits and strengthens our businesses and communities. We are stronger because we are able to learn from each other and maintain New Mexico as a place of inclusion and not fear of others. I will fight to maintain women’s reproductive rights so we do not go the way of Texas and other states.
Affordable Housing

The country and New Mexico has a shortage of affordable housing. We need to create innovative approaches to offer more housing and housing for a variety of incomes. I have been an executive of supportive housing programs and currently work as a realtor. A scattered site approach that requires builders who are building multi-family dwellings (condos or apartments) or houses on .25 acres or smaller should be required to offer a percentage of these homes based on income or median income of the neighborhood. Permits can also be required that 60% of owners must occupy the home so units are not purchased by investors and rented possibly making the condos ineligible for FHA loans. This is a smart approach that will allow FHA and VA loans which are our veterans and first time buyers to buy a home near their place of employment.
Keep up with Kathleen: Follow her blog on FaceBook.
Kathleen distinguishes her stand on the issues from her opponent’s in the Rio Rancho Candidates Forum, Streamed live on Sep 29, 2022, now on YouTube