25 January 2024. Changes to New Mexico employees’ and politicians’ anti-corruption law clear first committee
Changes to New Mexico employees’ and politicians’ anti-corruption law clear first committee: santafenewmexican.com
Changes to New Mexico employees’ and politicians’ anti-corruption law clear first committee: santafenewmexican.com
From Source NM: An effort to fix the state’s anti-corruption statute after the New Mexico Supreme Court barred prosecutors from bringing criminal charges under several of its provisions died in the state Senate. The legislation languished in a committee after clearing the House 66-0 with two weeks to go in the legislative session, which ended…
NM Voters First is a movement of motivated individuals whose mission is to fundamentally change how we elect, district, and finance candidates so that all voters are represented all the time.
Kathleen’s work does not stop when the Legislature ends. Listen to this Rio Rancho Radio interview with Kathleen about the work she is doing–from ensuring our farmers have water, to advocating for disability access at our universities, to making sure that the people who need it can buy affordable housing. Recorded 6 July 2023.
Visit this recording of House business. Move your cursor to 1:06:37 PM for the context of the amendment under discussion. Or move your cursor directly to 1:21:11 PM to see Kathleen demolish the Republican opponent’s arguments.
Delighted to receive this letter from John Dyrcz and Ashley Long: “Congratulations! We are extremely pleased, on behalf of the New Mexico State Council of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, to issue you an endorsement from our union for the 2024 electoral cycle.”
Voters returned Kathleen to the NM House of Representatives for a second time! The final count showed her winning by over 1,000 votes ahead of her opponent.